1527 East Main Street El Cajon, CA 92021

(619) 447 - 4498 Fax: 442 - 2534

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Set Free Weekly Schedule-click name for info

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

From the Fires comes new life…

Ecclesiastes 3:1 declares,

“To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:”.

As dark and frightening as the wildfires were this past year we saw that the generosity of people in our community, the caring and aid provided by so many for those who had faced such devastation, we knew that more than ever it was God’s clarion call to minister to our neighbors. Because so many rallied to the aid of Set Free we were able to go out into the community and distribute food, help clean up fire damaged homes and pray with and witness to those seeking help from governmental agencies.

And just as that dark season of fire gave way to opportunity for ministry, it also left long term damage in it’s wake as well, with more than 6,800 fire related Unemployment Insurance claims, the struggles to replace homes, jobs and vehicles as well as the recovery from the lives lost and given throughout the fighting of the wildfires. Just as the previously scorched earth has sprouted new life from it’s soil, so too is God providing new life and hope through these events.

The destruction left in the wake of these fires would have been as meaningless as Christ’s death on the cross would have been without His rising from death three days later, but we know that as God works all things for the good of His people, so too does the season of death and devastation give way for rebirth and the powerful hope born of God’s promises fulfilled.

Unfortunately though with so much need in southern California the amount of resources have needed to be spread quite thin, and the support which sustained us through the wildfires has, in many cases, been followed by desire on the part of our supporters to help but a lack of immediate ability to do so. The “one, two, three” punches of the fires, Christmas and the year’s end have left many people and organizations lacking the time, treasure and talent to donate to God’s cause through Set Free.

The New Year is here though, and we come to the season when we celebrate the rising of the Living God. Resurrection is not just an event in the life of Christ though; it’s the promise of God for all His people that we would be able to die to our selves and rise again in new life. For 25 years this has been the purpose of Set Free Ministries, to reach out to the hopeless and helpless, those who most other ministries are not equipped to help and who society has judged as afflicted beyond repair, and rather than institutionalize them God directs us to minister the Gospel to them.

In the past month alone we have had 38 man and 12 women dedicate their lives to developing a proper relationship with God by going to our Discipleship Training Facilities in Dulzura and Flynn Springs, 16 people advanced from the first phase at the Ranches to second phase at the Fabulous 7 motel and 6 people received their “Gold Seals”, having completed a full year in the program. Maintaining this type of ministry at this pace would be impossible if not for God’s abundant Grace.

As we approach Easter we are reminded through the sacrifice of Christ and God’s generosity in going to such lengths to reconcile us with him. All around us we observe the results of God’s generosity in forgiveness, patience and Love. We know too that the generosity of people such as you is important, and that blessings fall on those who assist God’s people in ministering to people in need. This is why we hope and pray that you might take advantage of the opportunity to help us with your Time, Treasure or Talent in continuing to provide a sound and stable environment in which people seeking a relationship with God can find refuge, support, encouragement and an education in the application of The Bible in their lives.

To find out how you might help Set Free Ministries please call (619) 447-4498

American Prosperity : Are the Souls of Our Children the Cost?

What’s it gonna take for us mere humans to recognize the fact that our children are the most precious commodity in our sinful world of today? Oh sure, we concentrate on the worldly possessions on a regular basis, such as the elegant homes, our flashy cars, and lets not forget the ultimate euphoria which consists of constantly impressing our next door of neighbors. Meanwhile our children are subjected daily to modern day abandonment due to the fact that we as parents are so busy, busy, busy, making a living.

We work desperately to keep up with the Jones’, only to find out that the most important people in the world, our little ones, are left all alone with their new bikes, high tech toys, and all the candy and ice cream they can manage to fit in their pockets.

We need to shine a spotlight on the fact that we as parents neglect the most important aspect of parenthood; which in case you need to be reminded is availability. Who’s gonna pick that child up off the ground when he falls off of that new bike? Not to mention the fact that he or she hasn’t been hugged all day, and that strawberry ice cream that was in his pocket has managed to work its way down to his socks. Where is the Jesus in this picture, if I may ask?

Well thank God for Set Free Ministries in San Diego for coming to the rescue of many parents and their children’s desperate, dire need for love, affection and most importantly companionship with Jesus Christ. Oh sure, Elvis may have left the building, but Jesus Christ showed up.
Our ministry targets the dysfunctional families, including single parents, addicts of all walks of life seeking God’s guidance for a better spiritual way of life. This is Boot camp. Trained to serve Jesus, and all the children here are loved and cared for and given the much needed attention they where denied when we were in our muck and mire.

Once a week for a special treat, we have what we call “The Jesus House Party” where all the kids of every nationality you can think of come together in a playground setting and are showered with love, games, bible scriptures and teachings, and of course lets not forget, ice cream in a bowl!

I thank God for this ministry, because all children of the world are innocent bystanders, arriving in this wicked world by no choice of their own and are entitled to a decent Godly childhood. There is not a daycare center or a local babysitter on the planet that can compare to the childcare these precious gems are experiencing through the grace of God here at Set Free Ministries.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, so I would guess, that these kids here have finally given Martin the right to smile, and if God wills it to be, finally to wake up and smell the roses. What an awesome God we serve, who will never allow us parents, to have our children take a back seat on the road to prosperity.


The Disciple lay on the top bunk of his bed staring at the ceiling contemplating what his first day at the Fabulous 7 motel would be like. He had spent ninety days being trained to serve Jesus at the Dulzura Men’s Ranch and now he was being asked to put that training to the test. The street witnessing team was leaving at 10 am and he knew he had to be there. He feared he was not ready. He wondered how he, a “baby” Christian not even a year into his faith, was supposed to “bring people to the Lord.” While readying himself to leave he recited Ephesians 6:10 -20 The Armor of God aloud, took a deep breath and walked out the door.

As he jogged to the front of the parking lot he could see the diverse group starting to gather for the walk. The Leader called them together for prayer. He was a strong man of God, physically and mentally, that took no shortcuts. When he prayed he spoke with a soft demeanor that did not seem to fit his rough military trained exterior. He implored all of those present to let God work through their group. When he was done, everyone knew without a doubt that the Lord was with them.

As the band got into formation two of the female disciples volunteered to lead the procession. With pride evident on their faces each grabbed a firm grip of either side of the 6 foot banner that declared in bold bright letters for all the world to see “JESUS LOVES YOU”! It was at that moment the disciple first saw the burden he had so feared. A twelve foot tall cross made of double plied two by fours bound together at the cross section by an interwoven rope similar to what you might have imagined the Romans made for Jesus. You could actually see some of the men shrink away from the daunting task, while others argued who would represent the Savior first. Again fear gripped The Disciple as they set out turning the corner onto the main street.

The group waved and smiled as the oblivious occupants of their metal coffins drove past. Then The Disciple got his first glimmer of why they where out here on the street. A woman that looked like your classic grandmother drove by in a powder blue Cadillac. With a luminous smile she honked her horn and waved vigorously at the girls holding the banner. Not two minutes later a guy that by all appearances was your basic biker type driving a huge black pickup with a suped-up suspension, blew his horn and yelled at the top of his lungs “JESUS!” Everyone present shouted, waved and clapped for the man’s praise of the Lord. Minutes later the procession spotted an elderly woman with a shopping cart full of empty cans. Some of the “sisters” went to her and asked her if she knew Jesus. She was very appreciative of the attention but she was not willing to let go of her “worldly possessions.” The Disciple felt a little disappointed that the woman did not leap at the chance to change. Once again he felt an overwhelming sense of dread that, with all the distractions of the world, could he possibly make a difference?

He was startled out of his trance by a loud voice calling his name. The Leader informed him that it was his turn to carry the cross. As he struggled to put the heavy load upon his shoulders he could not help but to think about what it might have been like for Jesus. After five minutes he could feel the weight of the wood bearing down on his shoulder. He shifted the mass from shoulder to shoulder to try and ease the slight ache he was beginning to feel but it did not help. Five more minutes and the rope that bound the two sections together started biting into his skin. Although the breeze was evident and the air was brisk he could feel the sweat begin to collect upon his brow, and he was ready to give up when they came upon another vagrant.

The man was clearly intoxicated, slumped against the brick wall of a convenience store. Only when one of the brothers physically touched him did he seem to become aware of the world around him. He took a moment to take in the scene, a group of seeming misfits with long hair and tattoos holding a giant banner and carrying a cross. Before he could say a word The Leader asked if he knew that he didn’t have to live like that anymore.

Within a few moments there was a crowd around the man. They prayed over him and he repented of his sins. After a few choice questions by The Leader the fellow began to understand that this is not how God wanted him to live his life. He was visibly moved as he was led through the sinner’s prayer. Stating that he was a sinner, that he believed that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day to sit on the right hand of God The Father, the man remarkably seemed to be of sober mind as he told them that he would come to church on Sunday. Although it was made clear to him that he could get off the streets at that very moment it seemed once again that the world still had yet another person in bondage. One of “the brothers” gave him a bible and some tracks to read. The man told them his name was Willy and asked the group if they would pray for his children that he had not seen in years

As the group prayed The Disciple realized that over the course of all that had just transpired he had not put down the cross. What was more amazing to him was that the cross did not seem as burdensome as it had been and a great sense of peace had come over him that he could not explain. That very moment one of his brothers told him that he wanted to take the cross. The Disciple was surprised that he now felt unwilling to give up the very thing that he had so greatly feared the hour before. After the change he took out a handful of tracks and really started to praise the Lord with all his heart. The group continued to reach out to those they saw along the way. Inviting people to church and making sure that they knew that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

When “the brother” that was bearing the cross made it known that he could go no further The Leader himself decided to take over. As he walked along he began to sing. The rest of the group quickly followed suit. Soon they were all lost in the words that gave Glory and Praise to the Lord. This went on for about 10 minutes when the group rounded a corner and approached a Denny’s restaurant. You could see all the eyes in the big bay windows focus in on the cross. A little girl in the center window stood on her seat and pressed her face to the window, clearly excited at what she was seeing. The Disciple was amazed to see the wonder in her small face and as he turned to look at the rest of his troop the unthinkable happened; The Leader stumbled and fell. It seemed to happen in slow motion as he went down with a resounding thud and the cross landed on top of him. Some of the brothers rushed to his aid but he vehemently waved them off. Slowly he struggled to one knee, the cross over his left shoulder. Forcing himself to he feet
he gathered himself and then began to sing. At this point he had the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Every single soul in the area was focused on The Leader and on the depiction of what Jesus bore for our sins; when a disheveled elderly man approached the group. He walked directly to the disciple and told him that he needed help.

This is what The Disciple felt he had been called to do, as well as what he had feared the most. With an eloquence he knew he wasn’t capable of he asked the man if he knew Jesus. The man answered in a raspy voice telling him that he had never truly believed. The Word flowed out of The Disciple as he told his testimony and about the miracles that God done in his life. Without asking, The Disciple grabbed the mans hands and began to pray for his salvation. The man fell to his knees and began to weep. The Disciple continued to pray and all of the others placed their hands upon him. When it was over the man stood up and The Leader asked the man if he wanted to change his life and come home. With wide eyes and a joyful continence the man shook his head yes. As they continued there walk home The Disciple realized that all this had taken place in front of the Denny’s. He could barely remember the words that had come out of him and it was then he realized that it must have been the Holy Spirit working within him. He smiled to himself and thanked God for giving him the wisdom to understand that if he just lets go and gives himself over to the Spirit he has nothing to fear as all things are possible through Christ.

If you have a gift for sharing your faith with others or you are looking to learn how Set Free Ministries does street witnessing every Monday through Thursday morning at 10 am at the Fabulous 7 Motel. All are welcome.